微球让涂料更出“彩” | 快思瑞科技


A colorful future painted with Crerax technology | CHINACOAT 2019

Crerax exhibited colorful coatings solutions at Chinaplus 2019

Crerax debuts at K 2019, committing to a circular economy

Crerax successfully exhibited at K, the world’s No. 1 trade fair for plastics and rubber

快思瑞亮相K展 展现明日科技


明日技术引领未来生活 | 快思瑞科技 CHINAPLAS 2019

轻量化、表面改性、保温隔热、防翘曲 | 最新研发创新展示

Welcome to Crerax’s new home!

Introducing Crerax's New Office!

西能之约 | CHINAPLAS 2018国际橡塑展

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